Thrift module: situations

Module Services Data types Constants
situations Argument

Data structures

Struct: Argument

Key Field Type Description Requiredness Default value
1 role string The relationship between this argument and the situation that owns it. The roles that a situation's arguments can take depend on the type of the situation (including subtype information, such as event_type). optional
2 entityId uuid.UUID A pointer to the value of this argument, if it is explicitly encoded as an Entity. optional
3 situationId uuid.UUID A pointer to the value of this argument, if it is a situation. optional
4 propertyList list< property.Property > For multi-label tasks, more than one property can be attached to a single participant. A list of these properties can be stored in this field. optional

A situation argument, consisting of an argument role and a value.
Argument values may be Entities or Situations.

Struct: Justification

Key Field Type Description Requiredness Default value
1 justificationType string An enumerated value used to describe the way in which the justification's mention provides supporting evidence for the situation. optional
2 mentionId uuid.UUID A pointer to the SituationMention itself. required
3 tokenRefSeqList list< structure.TokenRefSequence > An optional list of pointers to tokens that are (especially) relevant to the way in which this mention provides justification for the situation. It is left up to individual analytics to decide what tokens (if any) they wish to include in this field. optional

Struct: TimeML

Key Field Type Description Requiredness Default value
1 timeMLClass string The TimeML class for situations representing TimeML events optional
2 timeMLTense string The TimeML tense for situations representing TimeML events optional
3 timeMLAspect string The TimeML aspect for situations representing TimeML events optional

A wrapper for various TimeML annotations.

Struct: Situation

Key Field Type Description Requiredness Default value
1 uuid uuid.UUID Unique identifier for this situation. required
6 id string A corpus-specific and stable id akin to a Freebase mid or a DBpedia id. optional
2 situationType string The core type of this situation (eg EVENT or SENTIMENT), or a coarse grain situation type. required
50 situationKind string A fine grain situation type that specifically describes the situation based on situationType above. It allows for more detailed description of the situation. Some examples: if situationType == EVENT, the event type for the situation if situationType == STATE, the state type if situationType == TEMPORAL_FACT, the temporal fact type For Propbank, this field should be the predicate lemma and id, e.g. "strike.02". For FrameNet, this should be the frame name, e.g. "Commerce_buy". Different and more varied situationTypes may be added in the future. optional
3 argumentList list< Argument > The arguments for this situation. Each argument consists of a role and a value. It is possible for an situation to have multiple arguments with the same role. Arguments are unordered. optional
4 mentionIdList list< uuid.UUID > Ids of the mentions of this situation in a communication (type=SituationMention) optional
5 justificationList list< Justification > An list of pointers to SituationMentions that provide justification for this situation. These mentions may be either direct mentions of the situation, or indirect evidence. optional
7 canonicalName string A string containing a representative, canonical, or "best" name for this situations's referent. This string may match one of the mentions' text strings, but it is not required to. optional
54 timeML TimeML A wrapper for TimeML annotations. optional
100 intensity double An "intensity" rating for this situation, typically ranging from 0-1. In the case of SENTIMENT situations, this is used to record the intensity of the sentiment. optional
101 polarity string The polarity of this situation. In the case of SENTIMENT situations, this is used to record the polarity of the sentiment. optional
200 confidence double A confidence score for this individual situation. You can also set a confidence score for an entire SituationSet using the SituationSet's metadata. optional
300 propertyList list< property.Property > For multi-label tasks, more than one property can be attached to a single situation. A list of these properties can be stored in this field. optional

A single situation, along with pointers to situation mentions that
provide evidence for the situation. "Situations" include events,
relations, facts, sentiments, and beliefs. Each situation has a
core type (such as EVENT or SENTIMENT), along with an optional
subtype based on its core type (e.g., event_type=CONTACT_MEET), and
a set of zero or more unordered arguments.

This struct may be used for a variety of "processed" Situations such
as (but not limited to):
- SituationMentions which have been collapsed into a coreferential cluster
- Situations which are inferred and not directly supported by a textual mention

Struct: SituationSet

Key Field Type Description Requiredness Default value
1 uuid uuid.UUID Unique identifier for this set. required
2 metadata metadata.AnnotationMetadata Information about where this set came from. required
3 situationList list< Situation > List of mentions in this set. required
4 linkingList list< linking.Linking > Entity linking annotations associated with this SituationSet. optional

A theory about the set of situations that are present in a
message. See also: Situation

Struct: MentionArgument

Key Field Type Description Requiredness Default value
1 role string The relationship between this argument and the situation that owns it. The roles that a situation's arguments can take depend on the type of the situation (including subtype information, such as event_type). optional
2 entityMentionId uuid.UUID A pointer to the value of an EntityMention, if this is being used to support an EntityMention. optional
3 situationMentionId uuid.UUID A pointer to the value of this argument, if it is a SituationMention. optional
4 tokens structure.TokenRefSequence The location of this MentionArgument in the Communication. If this MentionArgument can be identified in a document using an EntityMention or SituationMention, then UUID references to those types should be preferred and this field left as null. optional
5 confidence double Confidence of this argument belonging to its SituationMention optional
6 propertyList list< property.Property > For multi-label tasks, more than one property can be attached to a single participant. A list of these properties can be stored in this field. optional

A "concrete" argument, that may be used by SituationMentions or EntityMentions
to avoid conflicts where abstract Arguments were being used to support concrete Mentions.

Struct: SituationMention

Key Field Type Description Requiredness Default value
1 uuid uuid.UUID Unique identifier for this situation. required
5 id string A corpus-specific and stable id akin to a Freebase mid or a DBpedia id. optional
2 text string The text content of this situation mention. This field is often redundant with the 'tokens' field, and may not be generated by all analytics. optional
3 situationType string The core type of this situation (eg EVENT or SENTIMENT), or a coarse grain situation type. optional
50 situationKind string A fine grain situation type that specifically describes the situation mention based on situationType above. It allows for more detailed description of the situation mention. Some examples: if situationType == EVENT, the event type for the sit. mention if situationType == STATE, the state type for this sit. mention For Propbank, this field should be the predicate lemma and id, e.g. "strike.02". For FrameNet, this should be the frame name, e.g. "Commerce_buy". Different and more varied situationTypes may be added in the future. optional
4 argumentList list< MentionArgument > The arguments for this situation mention. Each argument consists of a role and a value. It is possible for an situation to have multiple arguments with the same role. Arguments are unordered. required
100 intensity double An "intensity" rating for the situation, typically ranging from 0-1. In the case of SENTIMENT situations, this is used to record the intensity of the sentiment. optional
101 polarity string The polarity of this situation. In the case of SENTIMENT situations, this is used to record the polarity of the sentiment. optional
150 tokens structure.TokenRefSequence An optional pointer to tokens that are (especially) relevant to this situation mention. It is left up to individual analytics to decide what tokens (if any) they wish to include in this field. In particular, it is not specified whether the arguments' tokens should be included. optional
200 confidence double A confidence score for this individual situation mention. You can also set a confidence score for an entire SituationMentionSet using the SituationMentionSet's metadata. optional
300 propertyList list< property.Property > For multi-label tasks, more than one property can be attached to a single situation mention. A list of these properties can be stored in this field. optional

A concrete mention of a situation, where "situations" include
events, relations, facts, sentiments, and beliefs. Each situation
has a core type (such as EVENT or SENTIMENT), along with an
optional subtype based on its core type (e.g.,
event_type=CONTACT_MEET), and a set of zero or more unordered

This struct should be used for most types of SRL labelings
(e.g. Propbank and FrameNet) because they are grounded in text.

Struct: SituationMentionSet

Key Field Type Description Requiredness Default value
1 uuid uuid.UUID Unique identifier for this set. required
2 metadata metadata.AnnotationMetadata Information about where this set came from. required
3 mentionList list< SituationMention > List of mentions in this set. required
4 linkingList list< linking.Linking > Entity linking annotations associated with this SituationMentionSet. optional

A theory about the set of situation mentions that are present in a
message. See also: SituationMention