
Simple Accumulo

Simpleaccumulo is a library implementing key-value Communication storage with user-specified namespaces in Accumulo. Some concrete services like FetchCommunicationService and StoreCommunicationService are implemented. Other tools, such as a tar.gz-to-Accumulo ingester, are also provided.

Simpleaccumulo does not aim to be a one-stop-shop for concrete in Accumulo. Rather, it handles common problems like authentication, implements basic services, provides examples, and lays out a simple schema such that users needing more functionality can readily extend simpleaccumulo to accomplish their individual needs.


Simpleaccumulo requires Java 1.8 and Maven 3.2 or later.


To build simpleaccumulo into an “uberjar,” do:

mvn clean compile assembly:single


Note: command-line usage is subject to change.


If you only need to read (e.g. use SimpleAccumuloFetch), please use the read-only user reader with the password an accumulo reader.

If you must write, you can use the user simple_accumulo_writer with the password writeTHEdata?!, but please be careful not to un-intentionally clobber others data. The simplest way to do this is to use your own namespace, which will avoid overwriting a Communication with the same id in another namespace. DO NOT use a common namespace like twolfe-cag1 with anything which writes values, such as the SimpleAccumuloStore service.


Java Properties are used for all configuration, including Accumulo connection parameters as well as ingest paths, fetch/store service ports, etc. Properties can be written to a configuration file or specified individually on the command-line; we note the former (configuration file) is much more secure, as the command line of a running process can be seen by all users of a shared system.

A barebones configuration file is provided at Copy it to and replace the user, password, and namespace with the real values.


SimpleAccumuloIngester reads tar.gz Communication archives and puts them into Accumulo. If you want to ingest all tar.gz files in /mnt/data, for example, add the following two lines to


now run SimpleAccumuloIngester:

java -cp 'target/*' \

Fetch service

SimpleAccumuloFetch implements the concrete fetch service. To run fetch on port 39997, for example, add the following line to


now run SimpleAccumuloFetch:

java -cp 'target/*' \

Store service

SimpleAccumuloStore implements the concrete fetch service. To run fetch on port 39998, for example, add the following line to


now run SimpleAccumuloStore:

java -cp 'target/*' \

More advanced usage


The schema is a homogenous key-value store in the simple_accumulo_dev table. The value is a thrift-serialized Communication (serialized using the compact protocol). As explained in the Accumulo user manual, a key is comosed of a row and a column. In simpleaccumulo the row is a Communication id. An Accumulo column is composed of a family and qualifier; simpleaccumulo uses user-specified column families as namespaces (see next section) and a single hard-coded qualifier. (You can add other qualifiers yourself, using the Accumulo API, if you want to store communication information separate from the blob.)


Column families are user-specified strings, referred to in simpleaccumulo as namespaces (note these are distinct from Accumulo namespaces), which provide isolation. For instance, if I want to have my own collection of gigaword documents and ensure that I won’t overwrite someone elses data (remember we would have to be very careful to ensure that NYT_ENG_20090525.0007 only shows up once anywhere in Accumulo, lest we get possibly un-intended over-writes), I can use the column family twolfe-cag (this is just like having a folder named twolfe-cag). Writes to (NYT_ENG_20090525.0007, twolfe-cag) will not conflict with writes/reads to/from (NYT_ENG_20090525.0007, vandurme-class-project).

Namespacing introduces the possibility of duplication. We do not want to have 35 copies of concretely-annotated gigaword in Accumulo, or even 3 copies of twitter. Before adding a dataset, ask others what already exists; note Accumulo is fast but space-constrained.

A note about space: Accumulo requires about 115% of the space used by gzipped communications.

What’s currently in Accumulo on the mini-grid

The column family/namespace twolfe-cag1 contains all 8,739,092 Communications in /export/projects/fferraro/cag-4.6.10/processing/from-marcc/20161012-083257/gigaword-merged/tgz

The column family/namespace twolfe-cawiki-en1 contains 5,059,644 Communications in /export/projects/fferraro/cag-4.6.10/processing/wiki/semafor-processing/wiki-merged-fixed/tgz/en-wiki-articles.tar.gz

Running your own Accumulo cluster

See the scion server readme for information about running your own Accumulo cluster.