

This project allows one to load a .tar.gz (or many) files of Communication objects into a SQL database. It provides an API for ingesting a single Communication, a .tar.gz of Communications, and a way to retrieve by id.


mvn clean compile assembly:single

Example code

An an executable program

Creation of db

Use this script.

It takes 3 arguments: the path to a directory of .tar.gz files of Communication objects, the path to where the database file will be written, and the path to the built jar file.

Querying against the DB

This main method allows a user to provide a text file of communication IDs, one per line.

It retrieves these IDs (if they exist in the database), and writes them to a .tar.gz file.

Could be useful to a user with a target set of IDs that wants to subselect without iterating over a huge .tar.gz file.

java -cp $PATH_TO_BUILT_JAR \
    edu.jhu.hlt.concrete.sql.CommunicationIDListRetriever \


Creation and ingest

Iterable<Communication> comms = ...
val path = Paths.get("/path/to/your/db")
val db = new SQLiteImpl(path)

val pathToData = Paths.get("/my/.tar/.gz/of/comms.tar.gz")


val path = Paths.get("/path/to/your/db")
val db = new SQLiteImpl(path)

val id = "my_comm_111"
Communication c = db.get(id)