This project allows one to load a .tar.gz
(or many) files of
objects into a SQL database. It provides an API for
ingesting a single Communication, a .tar.gz
of Communications, and a
way to retrieve by id
mvn clean compile assembly:single
Use this script.
It takes 3 arguments: the path to a directory of .tar.gz
files of
objects, the path to where the database file will be
written, and the path to the built jar file.
This main method allows a user to provide a text file of communication IDs, one per line.
It retrieves these IDs (if they exist in the database), and writes them
to a .tar.gz
Could be useful to a user with a target set of IDs that wants to subselect
without iterating over a huge .tar.gz
java -cp $PATH_TO_BUILT_JAR \
edu.jhu.hlt.concrete.sql.CommunicationIDListRetriever \
Iterable<Communication> comms = ...
val path = Paths.get("/path/to/your/db")
val db = new SQLiteImpl(path)
val pathToData = Paths.get("/my/.tar/.gz/of/comms.tar.gz")
val path = Paths.get("/path/to/your/db")
val db = new SQLiteImpl(path)
val id = "my_comm_111"
Communication c = db.get(id)