
Copyright 2012-2016 Johns Hopkins University HLTCOE. All rights reserved. See LICENSE in the project root directory.


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Use this library’s serialization and deserialization classes instead of rolling your own.

TarGzCompactCommunicationSerializer will handle almost all of your de/serialization tasks. This class is compatible with unix gunzip.


// your communication collection
Collection<Communication> myComms = ...

// create a TarGzCompactCommunicationSerializer
CommunicationTarGzSerializer ts = new TarGzCompactCommunicationSerializer();

// create a .tar.gz file
ts.toTarGz(myComms, "/my/home/dir/comms.tar.gz");

// create a .tar file
ts.toTar(myComms, "/my/home/dir/comms.tar");

// read from a .tar file
try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("/my/tar/file"));
     BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is, 1024 * 2 * 128)) {
  Iterator<Communication iter = ts.fromTar(bis);

// read from a .tar.gz file
try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("/my/tar/gz/file"));
     BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is, 1024 * 2 * 128)) {
  Iterator<Communication> iter = ts.fromTarGz(bis);

For asynchronous programming, CachedThreadPoolCommunicationSerializer can assist you.

try (AsyncCommunicationSerializer aser = new CachedThreadPoolCommunicationSerializer();) {
  byte[] fromOutside = ...
  Future<Communication> fc = aser.fromBytes(fromOutside);
  // other tasks
  Communication c = fc.get();

  Communication myComm = ...
  Future<byte[]> fba = aser.toBytes(myComm);
  // ...
  byte[] ba = fba.get();

concrete.X namespace

Everything inside the concrete namespace (outside edu.jhu.hlt.concrete) is considered deprecated and may be deleted or changed in the future. Don’t depend on it.